Full Access Application & Agreement

Now that you have completed the self-assessment with your selected committee, and have determined you have completed or are willing to take the next steps, we invite you to submit your contact information for full access use to our SunTrust Destination: Graduation Toolkit. Please complete the following contact form and agreement.

Please direct any questions to Keren Rohena, Emergency Assistance Programs Manager, at Keren.Rohena@hfuw.org or (407) 429-2156

Section I: Basic Information


Section I: Basic Information Continue

  1. Partnership Organizations:

Section II: Partnership Community Agreement

Entered into between (Partner Community) and the Heart of Florida United Way, this Memorandum of Agreement defines the responsibility of Heart of Florida United Way and its Partner Communities (including collaborative partners) that have developed a committee and completed the self-assessment for the full access use of the SunTrust Destination: Graduation Toolkit.

  1. Purpose:

    The purpose of this agreement is to ensure Partner Communities agree to share non-confidential information about the program—should the community implement a Destination Graduation program—that we can use to improve program services.

  2. Both Heart of Florida United Way and the Partner Community agree:

    To recognize and respect each other’s autonomy while working cooperatively in the best interests of each other and their respective communities.

  3. Heart of Florida United agrees:
    1. To provide full access to the web-based SunTrust Destination Graduation Toolkit (available at no cost during SunTrust grant duration of 2018-2020).

    2. Upon request, Heart of Florida United Way may elect to provide consultation and assistance for the Partner Community in the furtherance of its goals.

  4. The Partner Agency agrees:
    1. Branding Agreement

      In order to receive full access to the SunTrust Toolkit, all partners are required to brand the program replicated as Destination Graduation and use Destination Graduation insignia in all marketing, communications, and publications regarding the program.

    2. Data Sharing

      With the goal of measuring the effectiveness of our partnership communities, the Heart of Florida United Way is asking all partners to:

      • Provide a short narrative of the partner’s program implementation process, present obstacles, lessons learned, etc. within six months of launching Destination Graduation in their community.
      • Provide a short data report that includes number of students contacted, number of students awarded emergency aid, average and total award amounts, and may also include outcomes data (One year from signing this agreement). Heart of Florida United Way provides templates and instructions of data collection and report building in the toolkit.
  5. Funding

    This agreement does not include any provisions of funding between the Heart of Florida United Way and the Partner Community.

  6. Term of Agreement

    The term of this agreement is (date signed) up to July 31, 2020 with annual renewal.

    This agreement shall remain in force for the specified period above or until amended by Heart of Florida United Way.

    Signatures are required from the Partner Community’s Higher Education Representative and Community Organization Representative. Each organization in the collaboration is subject to the terms of this agreement.

    By signing this agreement, the Partner Community agrees to meet and comply with all of Heart of Florida United Way’s branding and data sharing policies and procedures.

    The Agreement may be cancelled by either party upon written notice given no less than 30 days in advance of the effective date of cancellation.


Your application has been submitted. We will review your application and be in contact within the next 7 to 14 business days. If you have any questions please contact Keren Rohena, Emergency Assistance Programs Manager, at Keren.Rohena@hfuw.org or (407) 429-2156.