Self-Assessment Tool

Purpose: Identify the key areas that need to be addressed in order to successfully implement/ replicate Destination: Graduation in your community or institution.
How to complete the self-assessment: Now that you have determined your committee, it’s time to come together and evaluate readiness for implementing Destination: Graduation persistence program. We recommend that you work through these initial questions as a group; in order to have a more engaged and genuine dialogue around what is possible for your community or institution.
Once your committee is convened, please check one of the three following responses to each question: 1) We have done this, 2) We can do this, or 3) We are not able to/ willing to do this. If you select Option 3 for any of the following readiness questions, please stop to re-evaluate where you are as a committee, and determine if or when this challenge may be resolved.
At the end of the self-assessment we will provide some guidance in interpreting your results, and next steps for full access to the members’ only toolkit.
  1. Determine the benchmark – Who is target population for our community/ institution (where are the gaps in persistence and completion)? For example, this could be broken out by race and ethnicity, class standing, age (nontraditional students – employment, marital status and children), socioeconomic status, first generation status, or immigration status.

  2. Do we have the funding to support the program positions (resource specialist, case manager, and program/ data manager)?

  3. Do we have the funding to support the direct emergency aid dollars?

  4. Do we [the committee] agree to convene on a regular basis in order to establish protocols and monitor progress?

  5. Do we have a work space at the institution(s) for students to meet with the program staff?

  6. Are we able to give the program staff access to the institutions’ data system? This includes access to individual student records, financial aid status, and academic standing.

  7. Are we willing to create a data sharing agreement or memorandum of understanding (MoU)? This includes A) the type of data we want to share (such as age or gender) and B) procedures for reporting FERPA compliant outcomes data.

  8. Marketing & Communications – Do we agree to market and communicate the program on a recurring basis? This includes media coverage, updating staff, and marketing to relevant college faculty and students.

  9. Leadership buy-in – Are we willing to engage leadership in order to progress the program forward and make key high-level decisions?
